
The Jewellery Department, headed by Laura Patrizia Barbieri, founder of the Curio Auction House, aims to offer at least four jewellery auctions per year, one every two months. In these sales, the selection of Antique, Modern and Design Jewellery is careful and sophisticated. The Jewellery Department is aimed at a refined collector who knows how to appreciate not only high jewellery creations or creations signed by well-known Maisons, but also antique jewellery made by craftsmen. The aim of the [..]
Watches are often an expression of great passion, objects of desire and an expression of style and masculine elegance. The luxury watch auction sector has seen exponential growth in recent years, with more and more people choosing to buy watches at auction for their own collection or as an investment of money. The figure of the watch investor is unusual; it is not just people seeking financial gain by buying watches at auction, but true enthusiasts with a desire to invest their capital in [..]
Precious Stone and Diamonds
Curio Auction House also offers certified precious stones and diamonds in its regularly organised jewellery and watch auctions. Thanks to the rich and varied offer of precious stones, our auctions turn into unmissable opportunities to make a safe and risk-free investment. Often, the purchase of a gemstone or diamond is not just about investment or financial gain, but is a genuine passion for precious gems, the possession of which is also linked to social status, as well as their undeniable beauty. [..]
Carved Stones and Cameos
A miniature work of art, the cameo is an engraving made on the surface of a gemstone or shell. A very ancient type of jewellery, the cameo still remains a precious object today, not only for its beauty, but also for the absolute skill of the engravers, who have made it an undisputed sign of refined elegance. Faces and profiles of women, male profiles of heroes or warriors, mythological figures, animals, landscapes, architectural views and scenes of everyday life can be represented on a tiny [..]
Fashion and Trends
The Department of Fashion and Trends, in close correlation with our Curiosity Blog, closely follows the world of jewellery and its fascinating relationship with the world of fashion. Jewellery dialogues with the world of fashion, often finding itself in a relationship of co-dependence. Not surprisingly, the art of jewellery is constantly transforming and evolving. The conception and creative process of a piece of jewellery takes into account the trends in the fashion industry and the needs that [..]